Tiverton Museum of Mid Devon Life was started by a few energetic individuals concerned that many of the objects and much of the information about Tiverton and the surrounding areas would be lost if nothing was done to collect them in the rapidly changing post-war world.
The museum is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (reg charity 1181976). The museum receives grants from Mid Devon District Council and Tiverton Town Council that contribute towards our running costs, although we remain dependent upon other grants, donations, fundraising and income generated through admission and shop sales.
We have been delighted to win a number of awards in the past few years, including Visit Devon Tourism Awards Small Visitor Attraction of the Year Silver Award 2021/22 and Highly Commended in the South West Tourism Alliance Awards 2021/22.
Museum Collections
Tiverton Museum of Mid Devon Life is a treasure trove of fascinating objects and quirky artefacts that weave incredible stories about the people who lived here.
The museum contains a broad collection of objects relating to the history of Mid Devon, including home life and toys; local trades and industries from the wool trade of the 1700s to the arrival of John Heathcoat’s lace factory in 1816 as well as brewing and local shops; a large collection of farming implements and an outstanding number of farm carts and waggons; Mid Devon at war, and a transport gallery looking at roads, the Grand Western canal and the railway with our largest object the GWR steam engine 1442 the ‘Tivvy Bumper’.
The museum collections continue to grow thanks to the generous donations of objects, photographs and archives that come from local people. If you have an object you would like to donate to the museum please email a photo and a description of the item to director@tivertonmuseum.org.uk or call to book an appointment. The museum’s Collections Development Policy guides what we can and can’t accept into the collection.

Tiverton Museum has been awarded Accreditation Status by Arts Council England.