In early January 1925, there was a small article in the Tiverton Gazette with the heading ‘Clouted Cream’. Sometimes known as ‘clouted’ cream from the word ‘clout’ which means ‘patch’ referring to the crust which forms as the cream is being made. The virtues of clouted cream are extolled by the Reverend Treasurer Hawker writing in 1881. John Manley Hawker was the Treasurer of Exeter Cathedral for many years and a renowned historian as well as being interested and knowledgeable on a large range of topics. As far as cream was concerned, he argues that it can be made anywhere if the technique is well understood. ‘It is said that clouted cream has all the health giving properties of cod-liver oil, with the difference of taste thrown in’. It’s not certain that this claim would be supported today!

Devon County Dairy School
Although this photo dates from the 19th century, the County Dairy Schools continued up until the Second World War. It travelled around the county, sometimes to very small villages and trained local girls in the skills of butter, cheese and cream making.

Two cream containers from the Museum collection

Circular brass scalding dish
This circular, brass scalding dish with a flat base allows a perfect contact with the low heat required to make the cream.
Written by Museum Volunteer, Sue B.